Building a sustainable future

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Duur 1:28:08 — Di 22 maart 2022

Building a sustainable future

If we want a sustainable future we need new materials and radically different ways of building. Can we make that happen? With chemist Prof. Nathalie Katsonis.

In an age of climate crisis, why do we keep building our houses and cities the way we always have? Resource scarcity forces us to come up with new solutions. Chemist Prof. Nathalie Katsonis (RUG) uses nature as a source of inspiration to develop biodegradable, energy-efficient materials. Professor of Climate Design and Sustainability Andy van den Dobbelsteen (TU Delft) proposes a radical shift in the way we construct our buildings. What will the future look like?

In collaboration with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (UU) & strategic theme Pathways to Sustainability (UU).


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Willen we een duurzame toekomst voor iedereen, dan moeten we onze omgang met materialen veranderen. Waar liggen de knelpunten?