Science Café: car addiction
Science Café UtrechtEven though the Dutch are proud to live in one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world, we tend to forget that our public space is created to suit cars. It leads to congestion, pollution, ill-health and traffic deaths. Car infrastructure is expensive and requires a lot of finite resources, it is simply unsustainable. So, how can we cure our addiction to cars?
During this Science Café, together with our guests and the audience, we will investigate how and why we should move away from car dependency and find alternatives. Dr Vanessa Timmer (One Earth Living & UU) gives an historical overview of how our addiction was created by the car-industry and is sustained by a powerful lobby. Geoscientist Dr Jaime Soza Parra (UU) will talk about the psychology of the driver to better understand attitudes towards mobility and encourage fairer use of the public space.‘Cycling professor’ Marco te Brömmelstroet (UvA) explains that mobility isn't a technical issue but a political and cultural one. How can redesigning our streets lead to community, improved well-being and a greener environment? Are you ready for a life without cars?
In collaboration with Mensen Zeggen Dingen.
About this series
Science Café Utrecht
Hoe kunnen we het taboe op hiv en aids doorbreken? Komt narcisme vaker voor dan vroeger? In het Science Café zoeken we samen met wetenschappers naar antwoorden.