Who's afraid of neoliberalism?
Na de val van de MuurPrivatisation, financialisation and the dismantling of the welfare state: the rise of neoliberalism in the 90s left some big losers in its wake. According to sociologist Dr Stephanie L. Mudge (UC Davis) leftist political parties are to blame. While embracing the principles of the free market, they turned their backs on traditional lower-income supporters. How did this transformation happen? Can the Left reinvent itself once again?
Co-organised by the Utrecht Young Academy and SIB-Utrecht.
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Na de val van de Muur
Wetenschappers uit binnen -en buitenland over de vraag: wat is er van de hooggespannen verwachtingen van na de Koude Oorlog terechtgekomen? I.s.m. de Utrecht Young Academy.