The climate change and human rights agenda

Rights to a green future

Duur 0:45:00 — Ma 21 november 2011

The climate change and human rights agenda

Teresa Fogelberg gives an historical overview of the climate change agenda and how it got connected to the human rights agenda, for instance after it was recognized there were climate change migrants.

Teresa Fogelberg gives an historical overview of the climate change agenda and how it got connected to the human rights agenda, for instance after it was recognized there were climate change migrants. How useful is it in practice to connect these agendas and how can we see the way ahead in practice for business, government, NGOs? How do these agendas relate to corporate social responsibility? And what role is there for transparency and reporting? Can damage to people and planet be measured and paid back in resilience money?


Over deze serie

Rights to a green future

Over mensenrechten in tijden van klimaatverandering. 21e eeuwse vraagstukken dwingen ons opnieuw te kijken naar de filosofie en praktijk van internationale verdragen. Denk mee over duurzaamheid en global justice.