Climate change victims and justice

Rights to a green future

Duur 0:45:00 — Ma 5 december 2011

Climate change victims and justice

James Garvey will speak about the philosophy and ethics of climate change and introduce the philosophical angle on the debate on climate change and human rights, also for non-philosophers.

James Garvey will speak about the philosophy and ethics of climate change and introduce the philosophical angle on the debate on climate change and human rights, also for non-philosophers. How can we think about rights and responsibilities across spatial boundaries and across generations? What is the causality between pollution and damage, the relation between polluters and victims? Which actor is able to compensate victims? Who should be compensated? What is the role of states and non-state actors? What is the role of the individual?


Over deze serie

Rights to a green future

Over mensenrechten in tijden van klimaatverandering. 21e eeuwse vraagstukken dwingen ons opnieuw te kijken naar de filosofie en praktijk van internationale verdragen. Denk mee over duurzaamheid en global justice.