Voedsel voor morgen
Top-down change policy
International climate negotiations have often failed in the past because of different interests of the parties involved. There is also a lack of possibilties to impose sanctions on countries that do not abide by the agreements. How can we reach a consensus at a political level? Should we (and can we) change global institutions such as the UN so that they act more effectively? And how do we do that? How can scientist get more power at the global level? And who decides at that level what is righteous anyway? Speakers: Prof. Dr. Frank Biermann (Global Sustainability Governance, UU) and Frank Wassenberg (Party for the Animals).
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Voedsel voor morgen
De transitie naar een duurzaam voedselsysteem is noodzakelijk. Zijn we het kritieke kantelpunt, ‘the point of no return’ al gepasseerd? Is er nog hoop?