What Trump wants
De wereld in scherven?President Trump's first steps on the global stage have sent shivers through the world. He is openly flirting with autocrats, while fighting a trade war with China and Europe and pulling out of international treaties. To many, his decisions are severely damaging the global standing of the US. But to what extent? And what happens if the US loses its dominant position in the world? Is Trump ending the American era? Journalist Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal will interview US foreign policy expert Prof Peter Trubowitz (London School of Economics) on the global effects of the Trump presidency.
This series is organised in collaboration with Centre for Global Challenges en SIB-Utrecht.
About this series
De wereld in scherven?
Journalist Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (Nieuwsuur) interviewt experts over mondiale machtsverhoudingen. Wat zijn de ambities van Xi, Erdogan and Trump?