Prof. dr. Peter Trubowitz
PoliticoloogTrubowitz is geïnteresseerd in internationale veiligheid en buitenlandbeleid, met een speciale focus op Amerikaanse strategieën en beleid.
Hij is directeur van het US Centre aan de London School of Economics, hoofd van het departement voor Internationale Betrekkingen van LSE en associate fellowaan Chatham House. Trubowitz schreef verschillende boeken over Amerikaanse buitenland politiek. Zijn meest recente is American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays en Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft(Princeton University Press).
Hij ontving diverse prijzen voor zijn onderzoek, waaronder de Greenstone Book Price.
Trubowitz promoveerde aan het Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Peter Trubowitz is professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics (LSE).
His main fields of interest are international security and comparative foreign policy, with special focus on American grand strategy and foreign policy.
He is Head of the International Relations Departement and Director of the US Centre at LSE and Associate Fellow at Chatham House. Trubowitz is the auther of several books on US foreign policy, including his most recent American Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays and Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft(Princeton University Press).
He received several honors and awards, including the Greenstone Book Price.
Trubowitz got his PhD in Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.