Prof. Timothy Ingold
AntropoloogHij onderzoekt momenteel de relaties tussen antropologie, archeologie, kunst en architectuur als een manieren om de verbinding die mensen met hun omgeving hebben te ontdekken. Prof. Timothy Ingold haalde zijn PhD in de sociale antropologie aan de Universiteit van Cambridge in 1976.
Prof. Timothy Ingold received his PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge in 1976. In 1999, after 25 years at the University of Manchester, Ingold moved to the University of Aberdeen, where he was instrumental in setting up (in 2002) the UK's youngest Department of Anthropology. His research has ranged from human ecology, evolutionary theory and human-animal relations to environmental perception and skilled practice. Currently, Ingold is researching and teaching on the connections between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture, conceived as ways of exploring the relations between human beings and the environments they inhabit.