Prof. dr. Thierry VandenDriessche
BiotechnoloogVandenDriessche promoveerde in Brussel in de biologie en moleculaire biologie en heeft zijn postdocoraal onderzoek uitgevoerd aan National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, USA). Hij is voorzitter van de European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy en is lid van het Committee of Advanced Therapeutics van het European Medicines Agency. Hij is auteur van bijna honderd wetenschappelijke publicaties en heeft meerdere prijzen ontvangen voor zijn bijdrage aan het vakgebied.
Zie ook www.thierryvandendriessche.com
Thierry VandenDriessche is Full Professor at the University of Leuven and University of Brussels, Belgium. He is Groupleader at the Vesalius Research Center at the Flanders Institute of Biotechnology (VIB). His research focuses primarily on gene therapy, stem cells and genome engineering.
VandenDriessche has a PhD in Biology and Molecular Biology (VUB) and did his post-doctoral research at the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, USA). He is currently serving as President of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy and is member of the Committe of Advanced Therapeutics of the European Medicines Agency. He is an author on nearly 100 scientific publications and received several awards for his contributions to this field.
Visit his website at www.thierryvandendriessche.com