Dr. Leena Srivastava
TERI UniversiteitDe TERI Universiteit is een instituut met bijna 700 studenten waarvan er honderd doctoraalstudenten zijn.
Dr. Srivastava is daarnaast deacon van de Faculty of Policy and Planning aan de TERI School of Advanced Studies sinds juni 2000 waar zij doctoraal cursussen geeft over Energy Policy en Planning and Infrastructure Economics. Srivastava zelf heeft een doctoraal in Energy Economics van het Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India en heeft een aantal publicaties op haar naam staan. Ze zit in de redactie van verschillende internationale tijdschriften die betrekking hebben op energie en milieu.
Dr. Srivastava was Coordinating Lead Author van Working Group III van het Third Assessment Report van de Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) en is momenteel de Anchor for Sustainable Development and Climate Change vow het Fourth Assessment Report.
Dr. Leena Srivastava is currently the Vice Chancellor of the TERI University in addition to being the Executive Director at TERI, New Delhi – an independent not-for-profit research institution working in the areas of energy, environment and sustainable development. The TERI University is a graduate institution only with nearly 700 students a hundred of whom are PhD students.
Dr. Srivastava is holding additional charge as Dean, Faculty of Policy and Planning, TERI School of Advanced Studies since June 2000 where she is teaching Doctoral courses on Energy Policy and Planning and Infrastructure Economics. Srivastava has a PhD. in Energy Economics from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India and has a number of publications to her credit. She is on the Editorial Boards of various international journals dealing with energy and environment issues.
Dr Srivastava was a Coordinating Lead Author for Working Group III of the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and is currently the Anchor for Sustainable Development and Climate Change for the Fourth Assessment Report.