Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh
MensenrechtenjuristBrianne McGonigle Leyh werkt daarnaast samen met de NGO Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG), waar ze advies geeft over oorlogsmisdaden vervolgingen, het creëren van een rechtstaat in post-conflictgebieden en schreef ze een handboek over het documenteren van ernstige schendingen van mensenrechten. Ook is ze hoofdredacteur van Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights. McGonigle Leyh promoveerde in 2011 aan de Universiteit Utrecht op haar proefschrift over procedurele rechtvaardigheid van slachtoffers in internationale strafprocedure.
Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh is an attorney specializing in international criminal law and procedure, human rights, victims' rights and transitional justice. Currently, she is an associate professor with SIM where she is a member of the Montaigne Centre for Judicial Administration and Conflict Resolution. She is also an executive editor of the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights and co-directs the Utrecht Centre for International Studies (UCIS). In addition to her academic work she is Senior Counsel with the Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG). In 2011 she obtained her PhD from Utrecht University's Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) where she wrote her award-winning dissertation on victim participation in international criminal proceedings.