Dr. Jessica Duncan
SocioloogDr Jessica Duncan is a scholar and educator committed to social justice. Her research focuses on the politics of sustainable food systems. She investigates the practices and politics of participation in food policy processes. She is particularly interested in the relationships between governance organizations, systems of food provisioning, the environment, and the actors engaged in and across these spaces.
Jessica has published widely and won a number of awards for her teaching, including Teacher of the Year in 2017 at Wageningen University. Jessica sits as an expert for the European Commissions Standing Committee for Agricultural Research’s Foresight Team and is on the Editorial Board of the journal Sociologia Ruralis. She is also a founding member of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations.
In 2014, Duncan received a PhD in Food Policy from City University London, UK.
Duncans onderzoek richt zich op de politiek van duurzame voedselsystemen. Ze onderzoekt de praktijken en politiek van participatie in voedselbeleidsprocessen. Ze is vooral geïnteresseerd in de relaties tussen bestuursorganisaties, voedselvoorzieningssystemen, het milieu en de actoren in dit beleidsproces.
In haar boek Global Food Security Governance: Civil society engagement in the reformed Committee on World Food Security (2015) onderzocht Duncan de reorganisatie en het functioneren van het UN Committee on World Food Security.
Jessica zit in de redactieraad van het tijdschrift Sociologia Ruralis. Daarnaast is ze lid van de Wageningen Young Academy en zit ze in de Raad van Deskundigen Duurzaamheid van Wageningen University.
In 2014 behaalde Duncan een doctoraat in voedselbeleid aan de City University London, VK.