Prof. dr. Gert Storm
BioloogGert Storm bekleedde verschillende functies in de Verenigde Staten en Nederland. In 1999 werd hij aangesteld als adjunct professor aan de Royal School of Pharmacy, Kopenhagen. In 2000 werd hij benoemd tot professor aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Vanaf 2009 is hij daarnaast bijzonder hoogleraar in Biomacromolecular Drug Delivery aan de universiteit van Kopenhagen. Hij is (co-)auteur van ruim driehonderd artikelen, reviews en hoofdstukken in boeken, en was (co-)redacteur van Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews en het boek Long Circulating Liposomes. Old Drug, New Therapeutics.
Hij is betrokken bij verschillende activiteiten, zoals het organiseren van conferenties, consulting, het coördineren van projecten gesubsidieerd door de nationale overheid en de Europese Commissie, en is lid van de editorial board van verschillende tijdschriften. Ook was hij betrokken bij de oprichting van de European Society for Nanomedicineen The Netherlands Platform for Targeted Nanomedicine. Van beide netwerken is hij nu bestuurslid.
Prof. dr. Gert Storm studeerde biologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij voltooide zijn studie in 1983 en promoveerde in 1987 bij de faculteit Farmacie.
Prof. dr. Gert Storm studied biology at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. He graduated in 1983. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1987 at the Dept. of Pharmaceutics, UU. In the same year he was appointed as a faculty member. His research interests are in the fields of biopharmaceutics and drug targeting.
Gert Storm had several positions in the USA and The Netherlands. In 1999, he was appointed adjunct professor at the Department of Pharmaceutics, Royal School of Pharmacy, Copenhagen. From July 2009 on, he is Honorary Professor in Biomacromolecular Drug Delivery at the University of Copenhagen. In 2000, he was appointed as professor at Utrecht University (chair: targeted nanomedicines). He is (co-)author of over 300 original articles, reviews and book chapters and theme (co-)editor ofAdvanced Drug Delivery Reviews and the book Long Circulating Liposomes. Old Drugs, New Therapeutics.
He is involved in several activities, such as organising conferences, consulting, coordinating large projects sponsored by the national government and the EC, and member of the editorial (advisory) board of several journals. He was involved in the foundation and is currently on the board of the European Society for Nanomedicine and The Netherlands Platform for Targeted Nanomedicine.