A different state of mind
Ode aan onzekerheidYour knowledge and beliefs often determine which emotions you experience. You will behave different when you believe you will pass your exams, than when you know you cannot do it. In the first case, you are hopeful but uncertain, in the latter you’re certain and sad. Emotions are generally assumed to play a useful role in human decision making and behavior. How do you take this fact into account when you are designing artificial intelligence systems? Prof Mehdi Dastani (UU) develops computer models for autonomous systems whose decisions and behaviors are driven by norms, responsibilities and emotions. Will computers ever be able to behave responsibly and emotionally in the same way humans do?
About this series
Ode aan onzekerheid
We zijn omgeven door onzekerheid. En toch proberen we te voorspellen wat er gaat gebeuren. Wat zou er gebeuren als we onzekerheid vaker zouden omarmen?