Dr. Noortje van Amsterdam
Sociaal wetenschapperVan Amsterdam doet onderzoek naar de sociale constructies van lichamen en gezondheid. Specifiek richt ze zich hierbij op ideologische machtsstructuren en hoe deze structuren ongelijkheden creëren ten aanzien van gender, dis/ability, lichaamsomvang, leeftijd, seksualiteit, en ras/etniciteit.
Van Amsterdam studeerde Culturele Antropologie en Sociale Psychologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In april 2014 verdedigde ze haar proefschrift AbNormAll Bodies: Gender, dis/ability and health in sport, physical education and beyond.
Dr. Noortje van Amsterdam is assistant professor at the Utrecht School of Governance. Her current research is focused on the social constructions and performative elements of bodies and health. She investigates the ideological power structures, which form the basis of inequality regarding gender, (dis)ability, body size, age, sexuality and race/ethnicity. The main aim of Van Amsterdam's research is to understand how people experience (their) bodies and health in organizational contexts of education, sport and employment.
Van Amsterdam studied Cultural Antropology and Social Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. In 2014 she received her PhD, her thesis was titled: AbNormAll Bodies: Gender, dis-ability and health in sport, physical education and beyond.