Dr. Julia Tschersich
Ecologisch econoomTschersich is interested in food and environmental governance, and ecological democracy. She investigates social-ecological transformations: political, socioeconomic, and cultural shifts resulting from attempts to address the ecological crisis.
She strives to understand the interplay between different levels of governance in these social-ecological transformations, and find ways to enhance democracy and justice in the governance of agri-food transitions.
Dr. Julia Tschersich is junior universitair docent in Transformative Governance and Democracy bij het Copernicus Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling van de Universiteit Utrecht.
Tschersich doet onderzoek naar sociaalecologische transformaties: politieke, socio-economische, en culturele verschuivingen die ontstaan door pogingen om de ecologische crisis aan te pakken.